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Serving Modern Mexican Tacos & Cocktails

drink with the dinner menu

A Unique Spin on Mexican Cuisine

Since 2017, Barra Tacos & Cocktails has been serving excellent modern Mexican cuisine in OH. Tacos and cocktails are our specialties, bringing customers back again and again and earning us new customers daily. Our bold and zesty flavors offer you a dining experience you’ll want to savor forever. We pack unique tastes in every bite, thrilling the senses and exposing you to an exciting new take on Mexican cuisine. Whether you’re craving a delectable meal, a refreshing drink, or both, we’re here to satisfy your needs. Prepare yourself for a completely original take on time-honored traditions.


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Corn dinner menu

We Partner With the Top Chefs in Our Community

We believe your food and drink are only as good as the people who make them, and that’s why we pick terrific professionals to satisfy your tastes. Our team of chefs, bartenders, and staff are passionate about serving quality throughout the entire dining journey. They possess years of experience in the modern Mexican culinary arts and bring their refined skills to your table. From the first recipe instruction to your last bite, our team is here to ensure the quality of your food, drink, and overall journey. We believe in the power of the fine dining experience, and we can’t wait to serve you next.

bowl full of rice

A Welcoming Team of Professionals

We believe your food and drink are only as good as the people who make them, and that’s why we pick terrific professionals to satisfy your tastes. Our team of chefs, bartenders, and staff are passionate about serving quality throughout the entire dining journey. They possess years of experience in the modern Mexican culinary arts and bring their refined skills to your table. From the first recipe instruction to your last bite, our team is here to ensure the quality of your food, drink, and overall journey. We believe in the power of the fine dining experience, and we can’t wait to serve you next.

Excellent Taste Is Our Business

When you choose us for your next meal, you’re choosing a dining experience unmatched in the area. We currently have three locations that offer excellent dining experiences through an exciting menu and atmosphere. All our locations are near other attractions and popular spots, ensuring not just a great meal but and a great night in the town as well. We strive to make your modern Mexican dining experience one you’ll never forget.

Barra Restaurant

Barra Sandusky

142 Columbus Avenue
Sandusky, Ohio 44870


Hours of Operation

Sunday – Thursday: 11:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Friday – Saturday: 11:00 AM – 10:00 PM

Reservations Available Upon Request

142 Columbus Ave, Sandusky, OH 44870, USA